At least that is what Concordia University's independent student newspaper 'The Link' is reporting in an article headlined -
Richard Dawkins is an Idiot”
And subtitled - The Link Gets Deep with Deepak Chopra
Here is the comment that I just submitted to that article with some additional embedded hyperlinks to pertinent online resources -
Gotta love how Deepak Chopra disregards his own rather questionable
spiritual advice about not blaming and criticizing people when Richard Dawkins is mentioned. . . ;-)
Besides being an intolerant and even somewhat bigoted anti-religious "idiot", the not so Bright professor Richard Dawkins *could* be described as an
Atheist Supremacist. . .
end quote
Oh dear. . .
It seems that *someone* at my old alma mater Concordia University's 'The Link' has already "memory holed" my original comment, so I just resubmitted the comment exactly as it is presented here with the two embedded links and will post a screen-shot here for good measure.

Wow! They did it again already. . .
Here is the screenshot of my second resubmission of the comment and follow-up comment asking 'The Link" to refrain from censoring my legitimate comment on the “Richard Dawkins is an Idiot” article -

And here is the screenshot of Deepak Chopra's much ReTweeted Twitter Tweet asserting that -
"When you blame and criticize others, you are avoiding some truth about yourself."

And. . .
Just for some additional good measure here is the somewhat cheeky but well-meaning Tweet that
I sent to Deepak Chopra regarding his name-calling of the pompous ASS* Richard Dawkins as an idiot. . .
"@DeepakChopra Forgive me for asking Deepak but, when you name-call Richard Dawkins an idiot, are you avoiding some truth about yourself? ;-)"

* ASS is my acronym for
Atheist Supremacist Spokesperson :-)