Wednesday, 25 March 2009

Ding Dong The Witch Is Dead Is Sung By Klaus Nomi In Celebration Of The Resignation Of UUA Bureaucrat Rev. Dr. Tracey Robinson-Harris

Update Friday April 17, 2009 -

The original YouTube video of Klaus Nomi singing 'Ding Dong The Witch Is Dead' that I embedded in this blog post commemorating Rev. Dr. Tracey Robinson-Harris' "melting" away from the UUA after having a cup of TEA spilled on her. . . "has been removed due to terms of use violation" so I scrounged around a bit and "skipped to the next available video" as it were which includes the very same Klaus Nomi recording. I know U*Us are just going to love standing on the side of love for *this* particular YouTube video aren't U*Us?

Update Monday April 20, 2009 -

It looks like the Klaus Nomi video that was removed has been "resurrected" in about three days. . . so I have embedded that new one in place of the original "disappeared" YouTube video.

Saturday, 21 March 2009

Les Hommes Ne Font Jamais Le Mal Si Complètement Et Joyeusement Que Lorsqu’ils Le Font Par Conviction Religieuse - Blaise Pascal Pensées

"Les hommes ne font jamais le mal si complètement et joyeusement
que lorsqu’ils le font par conviction religieuse."

Blaise Pascal, philosophe français, (1623-1662)

"Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully
as when they do it from religious conviction."

More literally -

"Men never do evil so completely and joyfully
as when they do it from religious conviction."

Blaise Pascal, French philosopher, (1623-1662)

As Inspired by David G. Markham's post on UU A WAY OF LIFE

Friday, 20 March 2009

This Robin Edgar Quote May Be Good Enough For Bartlett's Familiar Quotations Even If It Is Not All That Familiar Yet. . .

"Just because there are irrational beliefs about God, does not mean that belief in God is irrational."

A quotable saying coined by Robin Edgar on Friday March 20, 2009*

* Although the basic idea has been in my head for quite some time now and has been expressed here and there in other words.

Trust Someone From Bangkok Thailand To Run A Google Search For The Brand*Spanking New Aging Condom Religious Symbol Of The U*U Movement ROTFLMU*UO!

Nudge, nudge, wink, wink, say no more, say no more. . .


Thursday, 12 March 2009

Can A Conservative Be A Unitarian aka A Unitarian*Universalist aka A Member Of "The Church Of The Far Left"?

Somebody in Spokane Washington U.S. of A. was just asking Google minutes ago. . .

Maybe Its A Typo Or Something. Or Maybe Someone Was *Really* Googling Giant Tilts, But It Works For Me! Well The Dark Knight Of The U*U World Anyway

Somebody from Ile-de-france, Paris, France, Googled Giant Tilts today. . .

And found themselves transported not only to "the Paris of the New World" aka Montreal butt *also* well beyond the state of Kansas to Rev. Matt Tittle's 'Keep The Faith' blog in Houston, Texas*!

Who am *I* to complain? :-)

* aka The Lone Star State

Saturday, 7 March 2009