Monday, 28 December 2009

Friday, 25 December 2009

A Christmas Story For Unitarians That Is Strangely Interconnected With Famous Unitarian Rod Serling *Star* Host Of The Twilight Zone. . .

Liberal Christian who is a University Chaplain to Cambridge University, Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge Regional College and a Police Chaplain for Cambridgeshire Constabulary, blogged about the New Testament story/myth of the Magi aka Three Wise Men on his CAUTE blog today. Some of his words reminded me of an old science fiction short story by Arthur C. Clarke and I decided to post a cautionary comment about 'The Star' to this blog post. In searching for a web page or two to link to that would help of Arthur C. Clarke's 'The Star' I discovered that a version of 'The Star' had been televised on 'The Twilight Zone' which of course was hosted by famous Unitarian Rod Serling. I feel that it is worthy of posting my comment here as a kind of Christmas story for Unitarian*Universalists albeit a somewhat "less than wonderful" one.

"To be faithful to the Christmas story and science is simply to keep looking for the new star and to be prepared to follow it *wherever* it leads, despite the profound challenges it will always bring to old ways of being and thinking."

And what if *wherever* that new star, or indeed rediscovered and/or resurrected "less than new star", leads you to causes profound challenges to current ways of thinking that have "less than pleasant" implications Andrew? You might want to read Arthur C. Clarke's science fiction short story 'The Star' written way back in 1955 to get *some* idea of what I am talking about here. Trust "famous Unitarian" aka "famous U*U" :-) Rod Serling to try to put a positive spin on the Twilight Zone's televised version of 'The Star'. . .

Who is to say that the "new star" in the east, that allegedly heralded the birth of Jesus Christ, wasn't a supernove that wiped out an alien civilization? But there are other "news stars" closer to home that have rather disturbing implications.

One of them turned 64 this year. . .

Saturday, 5 September 2009

Is This Richard Dawkins' Most Idiotic Quotation? Or Is It Just His Most Stunningly Ignorant Quote About Religion?

"Many of us saw religion as harmless nonsense. Beliefs might lack all supporting evidence but, we thought, if people needed a crutch for consolation, where's the harm? September 11th changed all that."

Just asking. . .

Come to think of it. . . World famous "fundamentalist atheist" if not Atheist Supremacist Richard Dawkins' apparent belief that religion is just "harmless nonsense" lacks supporting evidence.

Freedom From Religion Foundation Atheist Bus Campaign Ads As Ad*Busted By The Wonderful Wizard Of U*Us

Most of the Richard Dawkins quotes are unmodified exact quotes. A few quotations have been slightly tweaked for the purposes of parody and satire, not that the completely unmodified Richard Dawkins quotes aren't hilarious. . . :-)

All of the Richard Dawkins quotations in the Ad*Busted Freedom From Religion Foundation FreeThought Bus Campaign ads, as well as the first Mark Twain quotation (which was of course deliberately taken out of context to make a point or two), are courtesy of the official website. ;-)

Tuesday, 4 August 2009

You Know aka U*U Know

Just saying for some reason. . .

Wednesday, 29 July 2009

Are The Seven Principles Of Unitarian*Universalism Good Enough For The Emerson Avenger?

Kinda looks that way. . . :-)

Just a little reminder for U*Us -

The Seven Principles Of Unitarian*Universalism

There are seven principles which Unitarian*Universalist congregations affirm and promote:

* The inherent worth and dignity of every person;

* Justice, equity and compassion in human relations;

* Acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth in our congregations;

* A free and responsible search for truth and meaning;

* The right of conscience and the use of the democratic process within our congregations and in society at large;

* The goal of world community with peace, liberty, and justice for all;

* Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part.

Did You Mean Henry Louis Gates Race Hypocrisy?

Apparently so. . .

Will Unitarian Universalists Bring Guns To Church To Engage In Some U*Unilateral Disarmament?

I a UU A Way Of Life blog post rhetorically asking 'Should Unitarian Universalist ministers encourage their congregants to bring their guns to church' reacting to a BBC news report about Louisville Kentucky Pastor Ken Pagano telling/asking his parishioners to bring their unloaded guns to New Bethel Church in Louisville for a July 4th themed church service celebrating the right to bear arms, Brockport NY U*U David G. Markham asked -

WWJD - What would Jesus do?

and then went on to say -

Considering the 6th principle of Unitarian Universalism which is the goal of world community with peace, liberty, and justice for all, and the first principle which is the respect for the inherent right and dignity of every person, I think that Rev. Pagano's practice of bringing handguns to church is morally and ethically challenging.

Here is how I responded -

Come to think of it David. . .

Maybe Unitarian*Universalist ministers *should* encourage their congregants to bring their guns into U*U churches. U*Us could put a whole new "spin" on this idea by encouraging U*Unilateral disarmament as it were. . .

Hopefully if U*Us take up this idea they will be kind enough to give credit where credit is due unless there is proof that someone else put forward this idea and made it public before I did.

BTW I do respect people's right to own guns so no undue pressure should be put on congregants to U*Unilaterally disarm but for those who want to do so as a form of protest against America's gun culture this could be a PR coup for U*U churches and even the UUA. Why I am "giving away" such a good idea to U*Us is beyond me. I must be feeling generous this afternoon.

Simply put, it should be a matter of individual choice, and those U*U congregants who choose to exercise their right to bear arms should not be excluded or otherwise discriminated against by their fellow U*Us who do choose to U*Unilaterally disarm.

Tuesday, 21 July 2009

Will UUA President Rev. Peter Morales Split The UUA? Does UUA President Peter Morales Insult U*U Christians?

Someone in the Commonwealth Of Massachusetts has been asking Google recently. . .

U*Us U*U World-wide are cordially invited to enter into a free and responsible search for the truth and meaning that may lie behind these questions by checking out the Google search results from the exact same intriguing Google searches made by someone in the Commonwealth Of Massachusetts who found their way to The Emerson Avenger blog in the last day or two. . .

morales may split uua

peter morales insults christians in uua

Here is the screen-shot of the pertinent web stats. I have whited out the ISP and other identifying information that might reveal exactly where this visitor came from.

Friday, 17 July 2009

R.I.P. Walter Cronkite - Believe It Or Not U*Us Walter Cronkite Is Yet Another Famous Ex-Unitarian. . .

World famous broadcaster Walter Cronkite died today. A quick free and responsible search to see if maybe just maybe Walter Cronkite was a Unitarian turned up the following information in a Christian Century interview titled 'Covering religion - interview with television journalist Walter Cronkite of 'The Cronkite Report' - Interview':

I come from a Lutheran family that turned Presbyterian in my boyhood. That was primarily because of the convenience of the Presbyterian church in our neighborhood in Kansas City. When I was ten we moved to Houston and my father swung all the way from the Lutheranism in which he'd grown up to Unitarianism. He helped found the Unitarian church in Houston in 1927 or 1928. I attended that for a couple years until I got into a Boy Scout troop that met in an Episcopal church. The church had a wonderful minister who was also the scoutmaster. And I suppose you can say he proselytized me. At any rate, I was much involved with the church, and became Episcopalian--and an acolyte. Later, when I worked for a paper in Houston, I was church editor for a while. The Episcopal House of Bishops met in Houston one year, and I became intrigued by the leaders of the church--fascinated by their discussions and their erudition. For a short while I though about entering the ministry. But that was a short while. Journalism prevailed.

end quote

So world famous television journalist Walter Cronkite was at least nominally a Unitarian for a couple of years in his preteen years in the late 1920s before being "proselytized" by a wonderful Episcopalian minister. Still, I figure that Walter Cronkite's two year stint as a bona fide Unitarian youth is enough for U*Us to claim Walter Cronkite as a famous Unitarian if not a famous U*U. . .

And That's The Way It Is U*Us.

Good Question! Can A Police Officer Be Under Citizen's Arrest In Montreal?

Someone from Ottawa Ontario was just asking Google today. . .

Monday, 13 July 2009

So Just How Did Unitarians Embrace Emerson Anyway?

Someone from New York, New York, was just asking Google today. . .

Tuesday, 30 June 2009

Spiritual Practice And Paranoia. . . What's The Connection?

Somebody from Fair Oaks California just asked. . .

Here's one particular take on that concept/question. . .

U*U paranoia can result in an Alternative Spiritual Practice which in turn can result in even more U*U paranoia. . .

I guess it's a bit of a vicious circle eh U*Us? :-)

Tuesday, 2 June 2009

Who Would Have Thought?

That The Emerson Avenger gets top billing in Google in a search for: religious avenger

Wednesday, 27 May 2009

Unitarian*Universalists Believe In Nothing?

Someone from Windsor Locks, Connecticut, was just asking Google. . .

Monday, 20 April 2009

Wednesday, 15 April 2009

The AltaVista Search Engine Lives! And Kicks Hypocritical U*U Butt Right Across The Atlantic Ocean. . .

Well at least someone in the UK ran a somewhat confU*Used search for a YouTube aka U*UTube video of the hit song "These Boots Were Made For Walkin'" using the venerable AltaVista search engine today. AltaVista was my favorite search engine way back when in the late 1990's before Google took over the interconnected interweb of all existence. . . I even had some free AltaVista hosted web sites for a while, including one dedicated to dealing with U*U clergy misconduct.

As the luck of the U*Us would have it, this presumed resident of the United Kingdom aka the British Isles more or less found what they were looking for* too!

It's not clear what version of 'These Boots Were Made For Walking' this person was freely and responsibly searching for. . . The famous "classic" Nancy Sinatra hit song? The "countrified" Jessica Simpson "remake" for the Duke's Of Hazzard movie? The "punkified" version by The Plasticines? The borifying Nazi*fied Faster Pussycat version? The hiphop*ified Lil' Kim version? The MegaDeath thrash metal version perhaps? The rather spicy Geri Halliwell version? Who knows?

*U2 aka UU reference intended. ;-)

Wednesday, 25 March 2009

Ding Dong The Witch Is Dead Is Sung By Klaus Nomi In Celebration Of The Resignation Of UUA Bureaucrat Rev. Dr. Tracey Robinson-Harris

Update Friday April 17, 2009 -

The original YouTube video of Klaus Nomi singing 'Ding Dong The Witch Is Dead' that I embedded in this blog post commemorating Rev. Dr. Tracey Robinson-Harris' "melting" away from the UUA after having a cup of TEA spilled on her. . . "has been removed due to terms of use violation" so I scrounged around a bit and "skipped to the next available video" as it were which includes the very same Klaus Nomi recording. I know U*Us are just going to love standing on the side of love for *this* particular YouTube video aren't U*Us?

Update Monday April 20, 2009 -

It looks like the Klaus Nomi video that was removed has been "resurrected" in about three days. . . so I have embedded that new one in place of the original "disappeared" YouTube video.

Saturday, 21 March 2009

Les Hommes Ne Font Jamais Le Mal Si Complètement Et Joyeusement Que Lorsqu’ils Le Font Par Conviction Religieuse - Blaise Pascal Pensées

"Les hommes ne font jamais le mal si complètement et joyeusement
que lorsqu’ils le font par conviction religieuse."

Blaise Pascal, philosophe français, (1623-1662)

"Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully
as when they do it from religious conviction."

More literally -

"Men never do evil so completely and joyfully
as when they do it from religious conviction."

Blaise Pascal, French philosopher, (1623-1662)

As Inspired by David G. Markham's post on UU A WAY OF LIFE

Friday, 20 March 2009

This Robin Edgar Quote May Be Good Enough For Bartlett's Familiar Quotations Even If It Is Not All That Familiar Yet. . .

"Just because there are irrational beliefs about God, does not mean that belief in God is irrational."

A quotable saying coined by Robin Edgar on Friday March 20, 2009*

* Although the basic idea has been in my head for quite some time now and has been expressed here and there in other words.

Trust Someone From Bangkok Thailand To Run A Google Search For The Brand*Spanking New Aging Condom Religious Symbol Of The U*U Movement ROTFLMU*UO!

Nudge, nudge, wink, wink, say no more, say no more. . .


Thursday, 12 March 2009

Can A Conservative Be A Unitarian aka A Unitarian*Universalist aka A Member Of "The Church Of The Far Left"?

Somebody in Spokane Washington U.S. of A. was just asking Google minutes ago. . .

Maybe Its A Typo Or Something. Or Maybe Someone Was *Really* Googling Giant Tilts, But It Works For Me! Well The Dark Knight Of The U*U World Anyway

Somebody from Ile-de-france, Paris, France, Googled Giant Tilts today. . .

And found themselves transported not only to "the Paris of the New World" aka Montreal butt *also* well beyond the state of Kansas to Rev. Matt Tittle's 'Keep The Faith' blog in Houston, Texas*!

Who am *I* to complain? :-)

* aka The Lone Star State

Saturday, 7 March 2009

Tuesday, 10 February 2009


Just saying. . . :-)

Anyone else interested in AdBusting the Atheist Bus Advertising Campaign in various ways is cordially invited to use the handy dandy Bus Slogan Generator.

The lyrics of 'The Atheist Supremacist's Song' as plagU*Urized from Gilbert & Sullivan's 'The Major General's Song' may be found on the 'Am I Right' parody song website and The Emerson Avenger blog, to say nothing of *The* Official Richard Dawkins Website thanks to the tireless, if not somewhat brainless. . . efforts of the apparently "less than bright" Bright DuckPhup

* ASS is an acronym for Atheist Supremacist Spokesperson aka
Atheist Supremacist Spokesman

Monday, 9 February 2009


Thursday, 22 January 2009

MLK aka Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Is Fighting Oppression

But don't U*Us take The Wonderful Wizard of U*Us' word for it. . .

Take GU*Ugle's word for it. :-)

Wednesday, 21 January 2009

The Wonderful Wizard Of U*Us Loves How U*U Tube And GU*Ugle Work So Well Together, But U*Us Should Not ConfU*Use Him With The Wicked Witch Of The West

Just saying*. . .

* It helps if U*Us scroll down the page of this particular Google search that someone in the real world, Baltimore, Maryland, United States to be precise, ran at 6:00 am today.

Tuesday, 20 January 2009

U.S. President Barack Obama's Inaugural Address Is On Side With The Wonderful Wizard of U*Us When It Comes To U*U Corruption And Silencing Of Dissent

*The* Wonderful Wizard of U*Us positively loves this particular part of U.S. President Barack Obama's Inaugural Address for some unfathomable reason. . .

"To those who cling to power through corruption and deceit and the silencing of dissent, know that you are on the wrong side of history; but that we will extend a hand *if* you are willing to unclench your fist*."

Everybody knows who *I* am thinking about here. . .

* Gotta love *that* Google search result! Don't U*Us? No?


Thursday, 15 January 2009

*Happy* Birthday Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.!

*The* Wonderful Wizard of U*Us "less than mournfully" aka *really* quite optimistically *celebrates* what *might* have been the 80th birthday of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr..